A sparse MPC solver for walking motion generation.
Installation and running
    - GNU make
    - SDK or crosscompilation toolkit for NAO, version >= 1.12
    - Eigen (it is provided by SDK or toolkit)


a) using git:
    1) run 'git clone git://github.com/asherikov/oru_walk_module.git'
    2) enter the created 'oru_walk_module' directory
    3) run 'git submodule update --init'

b) without git:
    1) download all modules separately:
    2) put smpc_solver and nao_igm in the corresponding directories 
       in oru_walk_module folder.

    > make cmake TOOLCHAIN=<path to the toolchain>
    to build a debug version add 'DEBUG=1' to the command line above

    1) Make sure, that the following environment variables are set:
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH <path to the sdk>/lib
    PYTHONPATH  <path to the sdk>/lib

    2) Add the name of the module to 'autoload.ini' file used by naoqi.
    Note, that if you use naoqi on a PC, you need to make sure, that
    'devicecommunicationmodule' is also loaded.

    3) Restart naoqi.

    4) Use oru_walk_control.py script to send commands to the module.
    By default the script connects to the localhost ( The
    IP address of the robot can be specified using '-b'.
    Once the script is connected it prints available commands and 
    waits for user's actions.

    A typical sequence of the commands is:
        - set stiffness to 1.0
        - take the initial position
        - walk
        - set stiffness to 0.0 (when the walk is finished)

    If you want to use the built-in walking module then only two
    commands are needed:
        - "walk (using builtin module)"
        - "reset stiffness and angles (using builtin module)"
    5) Parameters of the module can be changed in a configuration file. 
    It is automatically created and filled with defaults when the 'walk' 
    command is send. 
    Also, you may use the sample configuration file "oru_walk.xml" in 
    the root directory of the project. The configuration file must be 
    placed in "~/.config/naoqi/" directory.