A sparse MPC solver for walking motion generation (old version).
A simple demo

Include headers:

#include <cmath> // M_PI

#include "WMG.h"    // a helper class
#include "smpc_solver.h"    // the interface of the library

int main(int argc, char **argv)

Define footsteps:

    // initialize

    // WMG is a helper class, which provides data for QP on each
    // iteration of simulation
    WMG wmg(15,     // size of the preview window
            100);   // sampling time [ms.]
    smpc_parameters param (
            wmg.N,  // size of the preview window
            0.261); // height of the center of mass [meter]

    // Initial double support
    double d[4] = {0.09 , 0.075, 0.03, 0.025};
    wmg.setFootstepDefaults(2, 1, d);
    wmg.addFootstep(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, FS_TYPE_DS);
    // ZMP, CoM are at [0;0]

    // each step is defined relatively to the previous step
    double z = 5.0*M_PI/180.0;  // relative angle
    double step_x = 0.035;      // relative X position
    double step_y = 0.1;        // relative Y position

    // all subsequent steps have normal feet size
    d[0] = 0.09;
    d[1] = 0.025;
    d[2] = 0.03;
    d[3] = 0.025;
    // 2 reference ZMP positions in single support 
    // 1 in double support
    wmg.setFootstepDefaults(2, 1, d);
    wmg.addFootstep(0.0   , -step_y/2, 0.0);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x,  step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x, -step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x,  step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x, -step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x,  step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x, -step_y, z);
    wmg.addFootstep(step_x,  step_y, 0.0);

    // here we give many reference points, since otherwise we 
    // would not have enough steps in preview window to reach 
    // the last footsteps
    d[0] = 0.09;
    d[1] = 0.025;
    d[2] = 0.03;
    d[3] = 0.075;
    wmg.setFootstepDefaults(30, 0, d);
    wmg.addFootstep(0.0   , -step_y/2, 0.0, FS_TYPE_DS);

Setup solver:

    smpc::solver solver(
            wmg.N); // size of the preview window
                    // other parameters are optional
The gains are defined here. The default values of optional parameters can be found here: smpc_solver::smpc_solver.

Start simulation:

        if (wmg.formPreviewWindow(param) == WMG_HALT) // initialize input for QP
            // not enough time steps left (<15)

Solve QP on each iteration of simulation:

Initialize QP

        // initialize quadratic problem
                // sampling time for each time step [sec.]
                // height of the center of mass divided by gravity for each time step
                // current height of the center of mass divided by gravity
                // rotation angle for each state relative to the world frame
                // reference values of x coordinate of ZMP
                // reference values of y coordinate of ZMP
                // array of lower bounds for coordinates of ZMP
                // array of upper bounds for coordinates of ZMP

        solver.form_init_fp (
                // coordinates of points, that can be used to generate
                // an initial feasible point
                // initial state
                // solution of the optimization problem

See also smpc_solver::init. Note, that the current state must be given after first variable substitution.

Solve QP

        // solve quadratic problem
See also smpc_solver::solve.

Obtain the next state

        // obtain the next state
        param.init_state.get_next_state (solver);

    return 0;
See also smpc_solver::get_next_state_tilde.